memory bandwidth

美 [ˈmeməri ˈbændwɪdθ]英 [ˈmeməri ˈbændwɪdθ]
  • 网络存储器带宽;内存带宽
memory bandwidthmemory bandwidth
  1. These workloads heavily use either the floating-point units or the memory bandwidth .


  2. Memory bandwidth is one of the main bottlenecks in low-end systems for ATM UNI .


  3. It can increase memory bandwidth and reduce the memory resources .


  4. Performance Analysis of the Effective Memory Bandwidth of Delta Interconnection Networks


  5. The system memory bandwidth is enhanced through the multi body storage architecture .


  6. Analysis of Effective Memory Bandwidth of Prioritized Crossbar Systems


  7. Limited by memory bandwidth , high bandwidth routers often use input queued crossbar switch fabric .


  8. The memory bandwidth numbers we noticed are a little surprising considering the results in certain memory intensive applications .


  9. The algorithm concerns not only the fairness of requests among cores , but also the utilization of memory bandwidth .


  10. The results show that the whole effective memory bandwidth of multiple bus multiprocessor systems isn 't affected by the priority hierarchy .


  11. The compensating measure is put forward to solve the two technological problems of sampling and memory bandwidth enhancement of high speed data acquisition systems .


  12. It includes a number of optimizations that minimize memory bandwidth and therefore make it ideal for smaller , portable devices .


  13. The effective memory bandwidth performance of this system is analyzed under the assumption that the memory requests are uniformly distributed among the memory modules .


  14. We evaluate the effective memory bandwidth of the crossbar as a processor-memory interconnection network for multiprocessors .


  15. The course of their work in graphics , Z buffer , frame buffer and texture buffer memory bandwidth will be substantially occupied resources .


  16. Each time data traverses the user-kernel boundary , it must be copied , which consumes CPU cycles and memory bandwidth .


  17. Associated with the characteristics of FGS algorithm , it chooses the most suitable data type for storage of FGS algorithm to save much external memory bandwidth .


  18. In the field of signal processing , high efficiency network , and high definition audio / video , memory bandwidth has increasingly become a bottleneck , especially in multi-core SoC designs .


  19. High-performance microprocessor architectures have involved into many-core ones due to the demand for large-scale data-level parallel applications with respect to scalability , computational power and memory bandwidth .


  20. As is used for data-intensive applications , heterogeneous multi-core DSPs need higher memory bandwidth , more flexible memory structures and more powerful data-paths on-chip than normal DSPs .


  21. On the other hand , the recent rapidly developing General Purpose computing on GPU ( GPGPU ) technology makes it possible to manipulate the GPU with strong computational capability , high memory bandwidth and relatively low cost for general usage .


  22. Now the GPU already has good programmability . It has evolved into a highly parallel , multi-core , multi-threaded processor . Comparing with CPUs , GPUs have outstanding advantage in computing power and memory bandwidth .


  23. In order to exerting the advantages of memory bandwidth of GPU architectures , this paper proposes memory optimization methods by means of polyhedral model . Polyhedral representation of a source program is built to optimize and allocate GPU memory system .


  24. The numerical experiment results show that the speed is increased by more than 10 ~ 2 times . In addition , we optimize the storage of texture in the algorithm , which saves video memory bandwidth , and is more suitable for reconstruction of multi-scan mode .


  25. Then , we design and implement a Shared by Heterogeneity Processor L2 Cache sub-system to exploit the extra parallelism and locality in stream application , and improve the off-chip memory bandwidth . These lead to a more completed parallel hierarchy stream memory system .


  26. Modern graphics application systems have to render many geometric datasets , thus facing the problems of memory and bandwidth .


  27. Computer systems and network systems must allocate enough resources such as CPU , I / O , memory and bandwidth to guarantee the QoS .


  28. Compared with other public-key cryptosystems , ECC has shorter key , this means higher speed , fewer memory and bandwidth .


  29. Single-path delay feedback pipeline can improve the processing speed and lower the restriction of the external memory data bandwidth with favorable chip pins .


  30. The result shows that this routing protocol has the obvious advantages of fast networking , sensitive topological reaction and low overhead on CPU 、 memory and bandwidth .
